I’m Laura Münker, a communication designer specializing in editorial design, illustration, as well as art and design education. Based in Hamburg, I lead workshops and training sessions. Feel free to reach out for questions, information, collaborations, or just to say hello.
I share my passion for communication, art, and design to make a positive difference. Creativity, inspiration, and visual storytelling are central to my work. Through my projects, I aim to raise awareness and provide creative, engaging solutions for various topics. My goal is to shape the world through art and design and to help people express their creativity.
My service
Art & Design Education / Art Direction / Character Design / Climate Justice / Collagen / Comics / Conception / Creation / Creative Thinking / Education / Editorial Design / Experimental Drawing / Icons / Illustration / Infographics / Storytelling / Upcycling / Workshops & Trainings
Altonaer Museum / Bücherhallen Hamburg / ByteFM / Cognitive Psychology-Universität Hamburg / CREACTIV für Klimagerechtigkeit / Edition neje tieden / Elbkinder Hamburg / Fast Forward Future / Hamburger Kinderhafen / Jungsheft / Junius-Verlag / Medienreich / Jugendzentrum Blauer Bus – CVJM Oderbruch / Museum Der Arbeit / NIDO / Schoene neue Kinder / STADTLICHH-Magazin / SZENE HAMBURG / Transform Magazin / Uugaband / VHS-Hamburg / Verdi / VSE / Weiberkram / WissensPiloten
Silver Award / International Spotlightfestival 2013 / Category: Web & Mobile Audience